
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu!

From AJ: The mind behind the madness...

Sigh, it is with some regret and much sadness that I must say goodbye for now. I plan to occasionally post a review, but I will be releasing ownership and design to MaryAnne from The Punk Rock Mom. I expect that she will take her new and refreshing energy and make this blog into a powerhouse of information and a great community hub to boot!

Life has taken over my spare time for multiple blogs, and I have other things I would like to focus on (like design and crafting), besides, my family blog is also standing alone with no new posts...

I am excited to see what Mary Anne does with the place! I know it will knock my socks off! ;) Good-luck and goodbye(ish) Mary Anne!!

I'm not actually going anywhere, but will be stepping out for awhile!